Honourable Vera Kamtukule, Minister of Labour visited Geneva, Switzerland Honourable Vera Kamtukule, Minister of Labour attended 110th Session of the International Labour Conference (ILC) which was held from 27th May to 11th June 2022, in Geneva, Switzerland. The Session saw the lifting of a safe and healthy working environment to the status of a fundamental principle and right at work as “making history” and making Occupational Safety and Health Instruments as one of the Fundamental Principles and Rights at work. On 10 June, delegates adopted a resolution to add a safe and healthy working environment to the existing four Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (FPRW). The FPRW are part of the 1998 ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and all ILO Member States commit to respect and promote these principles and rights, whether or not they have ratified the relevant Conventions. |